Majority of Chinese motorists consider going electric over petrol, the highest globally: survey | Manufacturing Asia
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Majority of Chinese motorists consider going electric over petrol, the highest globally: survey

German cars are still the most popular among consumers but Chinese brands are catching up fast, according to Simon-Kucher.

A new study showed the majority or 89% percent of Chinese consumers are considering an electric vehicle (EV) for their next vehicle, the highest globally as electric cars continued to gain popularity in most countries.

The share of Chinese consumers considering an EV for their next car went up from just 79% last year, posting the highest EV consideration rate among the 20 nations surveyed in the latest Global Automotive Study by consultancy Simon-Kucher published this month.

Following closely behind were European countries, led by Norway where 74% of respondents considered owning an electric car, then Denmark with 63% share and Sweden at 60%.

Only the UK and Spain reported a dip in interest in EVs over the past year while consideration rates in other key markets like Italy, Germany and the US were mostly unchanged.

Customers said environmental friendliness, regulations and financial benefits were their top three reasons for considering an EV, while those already owning electric cars said they enjoy better driving experience as well as cheaper charging and maintenance costs.

“Consideration of electric vehicles has reached a peak in some countries, but there are still untapped markets across certain regions and consumer demographics which express concerns around price and insufficient range and charging infrastructure as their primary deterrents,” said Martin Gehring, senior partner and automotive head at the consultancy.

Globally, gasoline-powered vehicles (64%) remained the consumers’ top choice for their next car while EVs ranked second at 63%. 

German cars remained the most preferred brand globally but Chinese brands are catching up fast, bolstered by the rise of China-manufactured EVs and as more mainlanders consider their local manufacturers.

READ MORE: China overtakes Japan as world’s top car exporter on strong EV sales

Aside from its home country, there is also rising interest in Chinese brands in the Middle East and India.

“If India and the Middle East are a top priority for Western brands, they should focus their investments – otherwise, a big share of the market will go to Chinese players,” said Simon-Kucher.

The study was based on a survey of 8,235 consumers conducted in the second quarter.

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